Got first live plant for saltwater tank need some info

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Oct 14, 2011
White settlement
Got a feather duster for my 55gl tank don't now much got gave to me what do need now about them like what do I feed them an where's good spot for them stuff like that can any one give me some info
I got my First Feather Duster today too! I was told that the best place for them in to bury the bottom into the sand bed so it stands up. I was also told that they are filter feeders, but you can feed them brine etc. every now and then. Hope this helps! They also need light. :) Good luck!
Hey thanks for info I just want live rock salt tank with out live plants so I would have not have to worry about what fish go in tank then I saw the feather duster an got told it safe for any saltwater fish an it was just so cut only one they had so I got it I have a goby dragon fish in tank to an that's the one I was really worried about when first put plant in tank he swim up to it an pomp it an then swim away I sure his ok he seem fine I just had him for while an his allways been in freshwater tank for little over year then move him to salt tank few day ago an now his more active then was in freshwater tank I'm sorry I've talk to much just when I get to talk about my baby's hard to stop
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