Got my assassins a new friend

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That sucks, sounds like those assassins are taking over your tank :(

I would be very upset too if my nerites we're run off by my assassins! Just curious... Why don't you remove the assassins to another tank? Or to the hob? Personally, I prefer the nerites over the assassins :) more variety.

I have always kept all my snails together, however... I just started another 40 gal breeder tank this month so I'm transferring and acclimating my nerites as I see them. I'm thinking of having mts (trumpets) in there too for turning up the sand... so no assassins in the new 40 unless the mts get out of control... Lol. This will be my first time having mts so I'm not sure how it will go.

I did remove them. After the first nerite was killed I took my nerites out and let the assassins do their job. When they'd killed all of the pest snails I'd had, I took the assassins out and put the nerites back in. Only one of the nerite deaths was attributable to the assassins. The ones I've lost since then were the result of their own stupidity (the one in the filter) or unknown causes...perhaps the move back to the main tank was too much for him. I kept them together initially because everyone seemed confident that they would be ok together, especially with other food sources readily available. That's why I wanted to make sure people knew that it wasn't always safe for them to coexist. The assassins I have are currently hanging out in a 2g tank on my dresser while I figure out what to do with them!

Fwiw, my larger non-horned nerites do have trapdoors. The one I found under the stand was closed up tight when I found him, and when I've had to move my others around (like to get the stupid things out of the filter before they kill themselves!) they frequently close up. Never noticed them on the horned ones though, but I never handled them as much.
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