Got my light

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Aquarium Advice Addict
May 11, 2006
Lubbock Texas
I got my new lights from they look great, I recieved my 60 Inch two times 65 watt with lunar lights up and on the aqaurium in about 10 minutes they were supper easy to get the legs on. My aquarium is really bright and looks great.
Now I need plant suggestions please, I have a crypt wendit red and some java moss and java fern, and some ancharis(sp) and a few small pieces of anubias.
I would like some taller plants for the back of the tank.

Thanks for any suggestion
No I am going to wait a while and get the hang of low light low tech planted tank first, and make sure I have time to do that properly frist. My three boys keep me really busy especially in the spring with baseball and soccer, plus my job.
So far I really like my lights, I really thought my shrimp would hide more but they are out more and swimming all over the tank, and all the snails MTS are sitting out on top of the substrate or climbing on the glass, which is really weird. It is like I have a whole new tank.

Pitt420dude the pics in your post of your tank look really great you have done a great job.
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