Gourami Advice

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 14, 2008
I recently aquired a 29 gallon tank that has just one gourami. He/she is about 4 inches long and I am told that he was a silver blue color with spots at one time. Now he is a mottled color blue w/out spots. When I aquired this tank it had been left in a terrible state. The water had evaporated to about 4 inches deep and was very dark and stale. This fish was actually a surprise to find as I thought that there couldn't be anything alive in this tank. I put him in a sun tea jar and immediately cleaned and set up the tank for him. He seems to be doing well, but he is alone in the tank. Any suggestions on good "buddies" for him and how many I should add. I know that many fish do best with tankmates of the same species, but I would like to add some diversity as well. Suggestions would be helpful. Also, any thoughts as to why he/she has lost his spots?
i have 4 different species of gouramis and they get along fine... they also get along fine with my assorted tetras and my one angelfish... pink kissing gouramis are fun to watch i would recommend them and the flame dwarfs are cool too... i would try to get similar size so the gourami wouldnt bother them
I've read that being related to Betta's they share the characteristics of not really liking to be with their own kind. I could be wrong though--but im pretty sure I saw that somewhere.
to actually try and answer the OP though....

I have zebra danios and a single tiger barb (the gourami actually chases him) that seem to get along quite fine together.
Thanks, I was thinking of getting a few clown loaches and some tiger barbs too. Still really curious as to why he changed color and lost his spots.
My gourami is three spotted gourami and he loses his spots every so often. I'm not sure why but they will appear very faint sometimes and other they will be very dark. It's probably a mating/mood thing.
Colors fade when the fish are scared, sick, or stressed. I recently moved my tank to a new house. All three of my Gouramis spots were faded from dark, almost black, to barely noticeable gray. Also, two of my Gouramis fight and the smaller one loses its color, retreats away, and gains its color right back.
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