Gourami bent spine!

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Aug 2, 2017

One of my dwarf Gourami is suffering from a bent spine, I've only noticed this in the last couple of days and the fish didn't used to have this deformation so I'm a little worried about fish TB at present. Does anyone here have experience of this?

I've attached a photo of the fish below, it's still eating and swimming around the tank currently and doesn't have any lessions or other outwardly unwell symptoms.

I've attached a picture, although it's difficult to get a proper shot; the fish is bent on a slight c/banana shape front to back.

MANY other disease present curved spine.
I would not keep the fish in general population if it were me.
Look into Dwarf Gourami Iridiovirus , yea the little guy has his own disease named after him...
Currently I don't have the option to isolate from the community (only one tank) so I guess the question is, is the fish likely to recover or am I looking at more of my fish getting ill. I'd rather not have to put the fish down, but obviously this would be preferable to it causing illness throughout the tank if it's likely to deteriorate and pass away anyway?

Thanks in advance.

Currently I don't have the option to isolate from the community (only one tank) so I guess the question is, is the fish likely to recover or am I looking at more of my fish getting ill. I'd rather not have to put the fish down, but obviously this would be preferable to it causing illness throughout the tank if it's likely to deteriorate and pass away anyway?

Thanks in advance.


I would get the fish out. We had this happen to a Gourami about 3 years ago and didn't know what it was at the time. We lost several fish trying to treat the tank. Honestly I did not know how to handle it then.
You should remove the fish.

Almost every DG for sale is male and they do not like each other despite what some people want to think...
Likely the disease ,if not just DGI due to poor fish breeding by the Asian fish farms is a disease that will become contagious likely caused by stress from the other DG...
9 out 10 times one kills the other and people fail to see why...
Sorry about your fish and keep a close eye on the others.
In most cases when the physical symptoms are this clear to see the issue is to great to be treated or cured.
TB [mycobacterium marinum] has no cure ...
Same for DGI...
http://www.aces.edu/dept/fisheries/education/ras/publications/Update/Iridovirus in gouramis.pdf
Thanks for the information and advice both.

I've just put the fish down with clove oil, which wasn't pleasant although he just drifted off so didn't appear in any pain.

I'll keep a close eye on the others.

Thanks again,

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