Gourami changing color

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 15, 2013
Is it maturity or something because my 3 spot gourami went from a light blue top and white all over to an indigo top blue middle and white below that ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1403217489.737527.jpg
It could be a number of things!! Maturity, stress, change in diet, etc. I wouldn't worry too much about it unless he is also acting strangely. I once had a male guppy that was completely orange and then one day his tail was blue. So weird.. So just make sure that he doesn't act any differently. I don't believe that the colour change is anything to worry about. that's a nice gourami by the way!
It could be a number of things!! Maturity, stress, change in diet, etc. I wouldn't worry too much about it unless he is also acting strangely. I once had a male guppy that was completely orange and then one day his tail was blue. So weird.. So just make sure that he doesn't act any differently. I don't believe that the colour change is anything to worry about. that's a nice gourami by the way!

Ok and thanks! :)
Gourami change colors all the time, it's completely normal. Sometimes it's a way of communicating, sometimes they're trying to blend in with their surroundings (showing darker markings in dark areas, lighter/more washed out in bright areas), sometimes it's due to maturity, sometimes stress, etc. My blue gourami keeps swapping from being pale blue all over with the black spot to nearly as striped as my opaline gourami and dark all the time. It's part of why I like them :)
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