Gourami with angels

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Dec 22, 2015
Could I put a three dot gourami and an angelfish together? I have another question could I put the three dot gourami into a completely new tank without being cycled it's an emergency. He is currently with a single lone dwarf gourami and he beaten the dwarf to all hell. I need to help the dwarf gourami quickly.
Unsure of the stocking question but you can separate the aggressive fish in another container/tank for the time being.

Some daily water changes on it and the fish should be safe.

i have a gourami in my 75 gallon with an angel and they leave each other alone
Best to be separate for the time being then with a few water changes-They should be fine and then try and find an aquarium for them to stay in ? Fishloverxoxo

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