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oh good thanks...I got my male replaced but I think they gave my fiancee a flame instead of a normal dwarf...I was mainly concerned that it would get too big.
well the female yes...the male what I think is flame gourmai seems to be chasing everyone, not just the betta....the betta seems to be faster than him though. We'll see and things should get better when I get some more plants in there.
Keep a close eye on that mix. Male bettas can get pretty rambunctious around other anabantoids. I think I'd be more afraid for the gourami. :lol:
I agree with nippyfish. That is the reason why I asked, cause usually a lot of ppl I know find that bettas and gouramis don't get along because they are from the same family. As a result, I'll give you a word of warning to do what nippyfish said and keep a close eye on them.
*grin* I'll let you know if I find out.

I also heard of people that got it to work....the only reason I have the betta in the first place is that I had a ill conceived 'I have to save the poor fishie from a horrible fate' moment. If someone starts getting beaten up I'm going to have to finda home for the betta. Although he's really coloring up nicely.
The aquarium should be heavily planted and have at least part of the surface covered with floating plants. Peat filtration is recommended. This gourami can be susceptible to disease. Loud noises often scare them, so the tank should be in a quiet area.

This is from Liveaquaria, and I'm wondering how much of it is true. My 30 is lightly planted, as well as fake plants and driftwood,(which ive still gotta boil to stop the tannins...) do you think this is adequite, taking into mind that i'm going to be getting some more plants later today? Are they really more succeptible to disease than most fish? Also, if the LFS dosent have any females, would 2 males be ok in the 30? I know they can be aggressive towards each other(males), so would a 30 be enough space to keep them relatively peaceful?
I'm setting up a 30 gal Dwarf Gourami tank right now. I'm going with 1 male and 3 females. I'd hate to have two boys be aggressive to each other and have to remove or take back one. I'm going to ask my LFS to order me the females. You may want to ask yours. It couldn't hurt.
Mine actually had females and they are quite attractive in their own right, just not as flashy. I don't know about the diseases though, this is my first try with them. I do know my first male dropped dead mysteriously after about 5 hours in the tank and even the LFS said there was nothing wrong with my water.
well, I'm in the club too! Got a male Flame dwarf, and (I think) a female dwarf tonight. Theyre still very skittish, but I'll try to get some pics after school tomorrow.
I don't think you should let the possibility of disease deter you. They are beautiful fish and a staple of aquariums all over the world. Just keep up with your water changes and tests regularly. It seems a shame to miss out based on a problem that hasn't occurred yet. :wink:
quick update

The new male gourami has settled in and stopped pestering the Betta.

I just put in a bunch of plants and the plattie and betta are exploring while the two gourami hide in one of the caves. I have to say, that little betta is a real charmer.
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