Graham's 5.5g shrimp build

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jun 25, 2013
So after teetering back and forth on the idea I've finally decided to set up a shrimp tank. I'm more of a SW person but love the aquascaping aspect of nano planted tanks.

For the shrimp I am still deciding but it will for sure be a colony from the family that is easier to care for (neo's?) as far as equipment goes I have a few questions.

First I am going to use the fluval shrimp stratum but I was wondering if it would be ok/if it would be beneficial to do a layer of organic top soil underneath. I've done this before in a larger planted tank but was wondering if it was a good idea in the nano and if it would be ok for the shrimp.

As for the light I was wondering if the finnex mighty ray clamp on light would be powerful enough to grow dwarf baby tears or if I should just go with the fugeray 2 fixture to stretch across the entire tank as it is 16" long (normal 5.5g tank). I plan to use minimal co2 as I know the shrimp can be sensitive to it.

If anyone has any other suggestions I would love to hear as this will be my first stab at keeping shrimp

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A dirted tank can kind of be a PITA but when done properly, it can be interesting.

I will think about your questions and reply later. Following!
Don't have advice on the plants side, I'm not so great with those, but if you're new to shrimp I recommend starting with red cherry shrimp (neocaridina davidi) before moving on to less hardy shrimp. Consider some Marimo balls for them, they are easy to maintain under nearly any condition I've had them in.
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