Gravel: Natural Vs. Colour

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I have both. The larger tanks are all natural--rock, wood, natural colored gravel, sand... (okay, fake plants). My bumble bee gobie tank has black gravel and I am waiting on a centerpiece castle (I wanted something different). That tank is NOT natural and my fiance hates it :twisted: He got to design the other tanks--he likes the look of natural aquascaping.
Aquafishy, what is your preference??

I want my fish to be the eyepiece, not my gravel. They are beautiful in (as close to) their natural setting.

Since we're taking them out of their natural environment and putting them in a glass box, I think it helps them adapt more easily if they're in a natural setting.

Of course, many are tank bred so I suppose that's not a valid argument. But I like the natural look!
I've got dark natural gravel in both tanks.

IMO, however, certain fish like bettas just look better with a dark epoxy-covered colored gravel.

I'm not a big fan of 'clownpuke' myself, but if it matches the carpet in your daughter's bedroom, I say go for it! :D
I prefer more natural look, and I complete with with Tahitian Moon Sand, Driftwood and Live plants.

My fish act happier when their in the sand bottom tanks as opposed to the gravel

I just changed out the gravel for sand in my 29 yesterday and my pl*co is as happy as evern a,d actually coming out to be seen now! SOmething he never used to do before.

He likes to dig in it, to. Heh.

But after seeing this, I've got to say it must be good for a fishes psyche to feel the soft natural feeling of nature as opposed to manmade stuff
I also like the natural look.
I like to use sand in my bigger tank with rock and driftwood.
I have natural gravel in the 55gal community tank and 10gal QT tank.
The 5gal crayfish tank has green gravel in it since it is my little girls tank. :lol:
Natural for me. My daughter has black gravel in her 5 gallon tank and I have to admit that her guppies and pencilfish look absolutely spectacular in it!!!
I have had both types of tank set ups. I have switched back and forth many times over the years, and will probably continue to do so. I think as long as you have places for the fish to hide, plants, things for them to swim through, etc., it doesn't really matter. I don't think they care if their gravel is purple and there are neon green rock caves, as long as the setting is natural (aside from colour of course!). I can see the appeal of both, and I think do whatever makes you happy, as long as it is safe and healthy for the fish.
I want to go with sand and eventually will phase it in all my tanks (one by one). Now I have natural colored gravel in a couple and colored in a couple.
I want to go with sand and eventually will phase it in all my tanks (one by one). Now I have natural colored gravel in a couple and colored in a couple.
I'll admit, sometimes the colored stuff looks cool. But I wonder about the epoxy coating coming off. I've heard of it happening to people, but I don't know if it's common or freak incidents, bad batch or bad brand or what.

It also crosses my mind to wonder what kind of environmental pollution or damage is created by manufacturing the epoxy coating, or harvesting of sand or gravel. But I ignore those thoughts.
Well now you've made me feel guilty. :mrgreen: Personally, I have never had the coating come off my gravel, maybe I've been lucky.
I prefer natural because, well, it looks natural. I think the more natural the tank looks the beter it looks. Also better for the fish IMO. That being said, we have blue gravel in our 30 gal tank! :) We actually bought it for my 4 year old son and let him pick the gravel since the tank is in his room. It comes complete with a large castle too! :oops:
Menagerie said:
Aquafishy, what is your preference??

i would have to say a natural gravel...but...i was given a 5 gallon bucket full of that red gravel for my 35 gallon, al my tanks right now are natural gravel and i wonder... after years of all natural gravel i think ...will i like the red

i think i could take all the gravel from my 10 and 15 and use it in my 35 and fill one of those with red...i have to get rid of one anyways.

it seemed a Unanimous decision that natural is prefered...i was just curious about what other opionions were...thanks
Menagerie said:
Aquafishy, what is your preference??

i would have to say a natural gravel...but...i was given a 5 gallon bucket full of that red gravel for my 35 gallon, al my tanks right now are natural gravel and i wonder... after years of all natural gravel i think ...will i like the red

i think i could take all the gravel from my 10 and 15 and use it in my 35 and fill one of those with red...i have to get rid of one anyways.

it seemed a Unanimous decision that natural is prefered...i was just curious about what other opionions were...thanks
I always had something unnatural until I resurrected my old tank. I went with a more natural looking gravel, Estes Walnut, and couldn't be happier.
gravel colors

We (my wife and I) prefer natural and darker colored substrates.
The darker colors can help fish be more comfortable and show off colors.
granted this can be had with un-natural colors but we like the more natural look in our tanks. Just a couple weeks ago we added some more black into a earth toned gravel mix and the fish schooled over it, the cories wouldn't leave when we were trying to spread and mix it, the great thing is that the bronze cories colors are so much more intense looking over the darker substrate.
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