Green Star Polyp Question?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
May 31, 2003
I have a Green Start Polyp in my reef tank and in my research I have heard conflicting reports about food, light and water flow.

Here are some of the things I have found in my research:

Fish poop, leftover flake food, plankton

Water Flow:
Low to moderate, high if you want them to spread

Low to mid, pretty much everyone says this

High but indirect, low to moderate, Halide

What have you all found to work best?
mine are doing fine with moderate water flow, placed in the middle level of the tank, with low light and fed plankton
I have low water flow, middle right of the tanks and feed plankton, mine is doing ok but some algae is starting to take on them after 5 months now, I might think of changing the position of the lights...

They are not in any visible trouble at the momment I just don't want to kill them either so I was looking for some more information about them.
you can blow the algae off with a turkey baster or i use a medicine dropper thingy.....once i noticed last time it was too late so i think im gonna watch this batch a little closer
reefrunner69 said:
Hard to say...I haven't figutred out how to kill them yet.
They'll even survive a good chemical war. I had some growing around some zoo's and all the GSP did was loose a bit of color but kept on going... LOL

GSP's are evil! ;-) I'm with Kevin.

I have some growing in the display - under direct halides/VHO's, high flow/current, and also have some thriving in the refugium (NO shop light/low flow).

To be honest, I have scrubbed these with a toothbrush, and covered with kalk paste. A couple days later *pop* - there they are again.
ReefLady said:
GSP's are evil! ;-) I'm with Kevin.

I have some growing in the display - under direct halides/VHO's, high flow/current, and also have some thriving in the refugium (NO shop light/low flow).

To be honest, I have scrubbed these with a toothbrush, and covered with kalk paste. A couple days later *pop* - there they are again.

RL, you didn't tell me when I got those GSP frags from you that they were the immortal strain... :wink:

They certainly do proliferate quite considerably but I tend to like them. Mine are high in the tank, medium flow, and growing fairly well.

Take er easy
Scott T.
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