Green Tiger Barb with wound

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 8, 2011
stockton CA
I woke up this morning to find my green tiger barb with this wound I have no clue how this could have happened his tank mates are 7 Cory's, 6 blood fin tetras, 6 black neon tetras and 3 Bolivian rams and one Betta he is the largest fish in there so I have no clue how or what happen I need advice on what to do he's not himself right now Params are all in check


Oh boy! Your poor fish! I dont know what happened but thats a very large wound. Can you possibly qt him and atleast start with treating him with salt (as you would for ich) and melafix? The salt will help lessen fluid loss through the open wound and both salt & melafix have some degree of antibacterial action to help prevent infection. And keep a close eye on his water parmeters-he doesnt need any more added stress. If this doesnt seem to have any effect in 2-3 days, you will have to consider treating with antibiotics in addition to the salt. Good luck!!!!
Wow that is awful. I wouldn't be myself either if I had a chunk of me missing like that!
Perhaps we got stuck under an ornament or rubbed against something sharp? Do you have fishing line in your tank? It may have gotten stuck under fishing line and struggled to free itself?
I hope he heals up! Put him in a cozy hospital bed, i mean tank. Maybe turning up the heat a little can help too?
I do have some fishing line that has moss but it's tied down very good to the drift wood I will start qt ASAP
Good luck!! I really hopes he heals up! Keep a close eye on the wound & look for any changes in it- the possibillity of an infection setting in is a very real one because its such a large wound. I would have maracyn & maracyn 2 on standby if things seem to worsen or dont improve in a few days. It is going to take awhile to heal but we dont need it getting infected too. Keep us posted!
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