Green vs. Blue Chromis

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 23, 2003
St. Louis, Missouri
I'm planning on introducing some chromis into our 75 g FOWLR. We currently have 2 clowns, 1 six-line wrasse, 1 coral beauty, and 1 flame angel. Would the green or blue chromis be better? I'm leaning towards getting 3. Is that sufficient or not enough? TIA. :)
I like the Green myself. I have three in my 55 gallon, they are really active and eat like pigs. You could do three or mayne more if you like. They make a pretty cool school!

You may want to consider the yellow-tailed damsel. Given the current occupants of your tank, they would be a good fit. Also they are much more colorful than the G. Chromis (which I think are kinda boring). However the G. Chromis will shoal if you keep about 5 or more. The Y.T. Damsels will grow to about 2.8" and are a very lively lot. 8)
I personally can't stand the green chromis. They look like freshwater tetra's or anorexic goldfish and have zero personality - IMHO. The blue are better loking fish in my opinion with more personality, although much more aggresive. Still, I don't think there's anything in your tank that will take crap from even a feisty blue chromis.

The yellow tail is among my favorites, and similiar in personality to the blue, but the yellow tail seems a less vivid color than the solid blue.

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