Green water?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 11, 2008
Toronto, ON, Canada
I have an 110 G tank, and we did a full water change a few weeks ago, and ever since then we have been suffering from green water in our tank. This is the first time we had so much algae to this degree.

Our tank has 4 koi's and 1 plecos.

Is there anything that can be done, to help prevent/stop this blasphemy (greenwater) ???
When you do a 100% change that will happen alot. Its called an alge bloom in the water. Give it some time and do smaller 10%-25% water changes weekly. Or you could take a drastic measure and put chemicals in the water (bad for fish) What kind of filters are you running on said tank?
I'm only running one canister filter on it. Which is a RENA Filstar XP 3 Canister Filter. Should I have more than 1 filter on it ?
If the fish are big I would consider getting a second filter. Pleco's and Koi produce a lot of waste for their size. Four Koi will eventually outgrow a 110 and need to be in a pond.

Since you did a 100% water change your tank is probably cycling again. Normally water changes during a cycle make the cycle take longer. If the fish are good size I'd do small water changes because the ammonia level will rise and burn their gills. If it doesn't kill them it may shorten their lives. If the fish are very large I'd consider finding a pond for them for the duration of the cyle than add them back one at a time.
If you didnt clean the filter out it should have some bacteria left in it. I woudl advise getting a good canister filter and packing it with bio media of some sort. That way after everything gets back to normal you have more biological capacity.
2 of the koi's are 2 and half years old, and about 14 inches each. While the other two are under a year, about 6 inches each. And the pleco is around 9 inches.

So, it would be best investing in another Canister filter, for the aquarium ?
The two largest Koi are large enough that they will need to be in a pond next spring at the latest. You don't want to stunt their growth, it will shorten their life.

It would be good to get a second filter, especially if you're keeping the larger koi in the tank for much longer.
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