Grounding Probe and Tangs

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 29, 2003
Lake CIty, Fl
I am keeping yellow and blue tangs along with some angelfishes. I over heard (at my LFS today) them tell a lady with Tangs she should have a grounding probe in the tank. Is this important/a good idea? Thanks
A grounding probe is good to have in your tank no matter what kind of fish your keeping, IMO. But some believe it is beneficial especially for tangs, because some believe stray voltage is a contributing factor in HLLE, which tangs and angels are especially prone to.
i've heard the same about grounding probes being benificil for all fish. RR, what is HLLE, why are Tangs especially prone to it and what does stray voltage have to do with it?
HLLE, Head and Lateral Line Erosion

I don't know why it strikes tangs and angels most often, that just seems to be the case. BTW, the name pretty much describes the problem, the lateral line begins to erode at the head above the eyes and continues it's way back along the lateral line. Because the lateral line is used to detect the earths electromagnetic field and helps keep the fish oriented in water, some believe stray voltage is a contributing factor in this syndrome. The truth is, no one really knows what causes it.
I don't know what grounding probes cost now, but they were over $30 years ago. I made one, from a piece of platinum wire, available from a jeweler.
Titanium grounding probes are actually quite inexspensive now. I would recommend them for all tanks, no matter the animal load.

I gave a jeweler $7 for a piece of titanium wire 10 years ago. With probes being only $12 now instead of the $30 they used to be, guess I'll just buy one.
I bought a Probe today with the hook for the screw as well as the plug for $14. Is it necessary to use both the loop around the screw and the plug in?
If your house is modern then it will have grounded outlets and you can just plug this into the three prong outlet. If your house is of the older variety then it might have two prong outlets still. If thats the case then often times the center screw of the outlet cover serves as the ground.

Sounds like yours came with both so as to fit either style plug.
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