grow plants without co2

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 3, 2013
Hi can anyone tell me if its possible to grow plants without co2 injection
In short: yes.

Depends on the plant. Plants like Crypts, Java Fern, Java Moss, and Anubias will do perfectly fine without injected CO2. That being said, all plants will grow better when supplied with a steady and correct amount of 3 things: lights, nutrients, and CO2.
Thanks, would it be better if i used something off the shelf like easy carb? I just think its a bit expensive buying a co2 kit, i also plan on using eco cmplete as a substrate
Thanks, would it be better if i used something off the shelf like easy carb? I just think its a bit expensive buying a co2 kit, i also plan on using eco cmplete as a substrate

I don't know what these little plants are but they do extremely well without CO2. They even multiply.


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Liquid carbon is a viable option for aiding plants with photosynthesis and growth if CO2 isn't used.
Planted Tanks w/o CO2

Hi can anyone tell me if its possible to grow plants without co2 injection

Hello bally...

Attached is a pic of a 55 G. No special fertilizers and a couple of 32 watt florescent bulbs from the hardware store. Just large, frequent water changes.

I'm pretty sure you can have a planted tank without high end ferts or lighting.



  • WP_20130406_001.jpg
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It's kind of like asking if you can take good pictures without a fancy camera. Yes, you can, but the DSLR camera really helps.
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