Growth On Silver Dollar, after tank move

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Feb 27, 2005
Melbourne Australia
hi guys,

sad news.. well i hope not.

one of my silver dollars has developed a growth in the last few days.

it looks like he might have burnt himself on the heater or something?

background: a few days ago, in the 3ft tank he was fine, no marks.

i moved all the fish into a 60L tub with existing water. i

i filled the 4ft tank with new water, treated it, and added the old tank water making about 40% of the water. with me?

i added the fish, and the rest of the old water.

then this growth game about, while they were in the tub i had it filtering and heated... all the other silver dollars (4) are fine, and the affect one isn;t behaving abnormally

what is it? how can i heal it?

heres some pics of the growth
The Patient


a group pic, you can see the unaffected and affected Silver Dollar

any thing i can do guys?
dunno what it is, someone else could tell you, but I doubt it was the heater, it'd have to be scoulding hot, or the fish would have had to sit there for hours under it.
QT it if you can, looks infectious
I don't know what that is, but if it is contagious wouldn't you need to treat the whole tank now anyway? I can't tell for sure from the pic, but that looks like the type of sore that my pleco had on his nose a while back. I treated my pleco with Pimafix for a week like the directions said and it totally healed. I started to see a noticeable difference by the third day of treatment. :D
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