Growth problem?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 14, 2005
Glasgow, city of dreamz. (Scotland).
We have 2 angels that have been living happily together for about 3 months now. The first we got a month before the second doesn't seem to be growing while the second has become twice its size. Any queries as to why...?
Fish tend to grow at different rates and often this is quite normal. I would keep an eye on the smaller one so you are quick to notice any problems. However, if the fish is quite active, appears healthy, and you are offering a healthy varied diet then I wouldn't be concerned about the different growth rates at all.
There can be quite a difference in growth rates and size between angels. Males can grow much faster and larger than females. You may be lucky and have a male/female pair. Also, with two angels in the tank, one may become dominant and pick on the other which can affect its appetite, its health and slow its growth. A larger fish that is overly aggressive or that can eat large flakes quickly will eat a disproportionate amount of food.

I find that a varied diet and higher temperatures (80-85) will help angels grow. Smaller fish like their flake food broken up. It will also slow down a large agressive fish somewhat. Freeze dried blood worms and frozen brine shrimp are a very good supplement for angelfish. I individually hand feed my angels some brine shrimp every day to make sure each gets an equal portion. They get one feeding of brine shimp and two of crumbled flake food.
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