Grumpy dwarf gourami

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 22, 2005
I have a neon blue dwarf gourami that's been grumpier since moving it to a bigger tank. He's about 3 inches long.

He picks on my angelfish who's a very calm, submissive fish and chases the black skirt tetras when they get close.

what's his problem? he seemed scared of the angelfish at first but now he chases it around the tank biting at it.

should i get another male gourami or a female?
How long ago did you move it into the new tank? You'd be best off not getting another IMHO, because they are very territorial of their space. Likely, he is just trying to exert some dominance and once he and everyone else knows that he is king of the tank, then he'll stop.

If he gets too picky though, you may have to take him back to the lfs.

you might try looking to see if maybe he made a bubble nest anywhere and just trying to defend it from the other fish..
Sounds like he is just staking out his territory. You might provide him with something to encourage nesting in some back corner. Once he has a nest area he will probably only defend that corner. It is possible he has already decided that the center of the tank is his territory and everyone is in his space. If that is the case you may need to redecorate... move things around. I have seen a small male charge a large rainbow fish that came looking for snacks in his nest.

Here is a quote from the Book "Gouramis and other Anabantoids" by Richter

the chapter is called "Intra Specific Aggression"

"Aggression and Fighting are almost always related to defense of territory or spawn and the two are closely related... Colisa lalia (Dwarf Gourami) for example, will immediately chase and ram any encroaching fish with his head. these butts can be so powerful as to lead to the immediate death of the attacked fish"

I have lost a couple smaller Tetras to this behavior, but nothing so large as an Angelfish.
well.. i moved things around a little bit and he's still swimming all around the tank, bullying my angelfish. who now is in turn bullying my other fish.

i'm really beginning to hate this gourami.. i used to think he was cute but now his face looks like the face of a 3rd grade bully

i think i'm going insane!
Do you still have the original aquarium? Maybe you could put him back in the other tank. Or, if you're hating him that much maybe you should bring him back to the lfs so he can find a new home.

- Mandy
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