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Aquarium Advice Addict
Apr 7, 2012
As I fed the fish, silently yelling at them for eating my fry, I looked in the corner and found a tiny fry! Less than a 1/4 inch long but doesn't look like a guppy and my Molly is a male. I have three cories but I doubt it is one. Way to small to photograph sorry! Doesn't like hikari first bites so what should I feed it? It reminds me of a Molly fry but I'm not sure.
If it's that small it may not want to eat yet. Break off a teeny tiny bit of algea wafer and leave it in there to let it eat on its own. Java moss also grows stuff fry can eat
It might be
It's so minuscule
And I've never seen my Molly try to mate with a guppy
My drops from my large girls were never this small- the babies were at least 1/3 inch
My small female hasnt been in my tank long enough to be pregnant with my Molly
She's been with only male guppies all her life
Maybe one of my 4 month old fry dropped? They never *seemed* gravid
So confused!
It is possible that your guppy and Molly have mate because they are such close relatives in fact there are many cases where a Molly and guppy have mated so I wouldn't be surprised. plus if your female has been pregnant before she could have impregnated herself. They can store sperm in their body's for many batches of fry so that could also be highly possible.
I have been breeding guppies for years and know that they can mate with mollies and also that they store sperm
Well if they weren't together I highly doubt it but the solution I have before could also be highly possible hope that helped.
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