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Aquarium Advice Regular
Feb 2, 2009
Hi all, I just stumbled across this place while researching for my new project tank. I hope to be able to tap the vast knowledge of the saltwater sages for my first SW set up.

First, a little about me. I grew up in NC with uncles who had been keeping saltwater aquariums since the 70s so I've seen how bad things can get. =P Until recently, I've strictly been freshwater oriented. I use to breed discus and angles (but never on any real scale) because I enjoyed watching their parenting behaviors. I took a 5 year break from any sort of major fish keeping after freak storm led to a power outage that killed off everything in my 110 tall and 45 corner. That all changed when I moved to Alaska... i relapsed on my aquarium addiction and bought a betta and one of those little desk kits for my apartment. Freaking betta.

Since then I've managed to cram my apartment full of freshwater nano set ups which i've had to slowly phase out after i got a $900 electric bill (which wasn't actually caused by the tanks, but the sheer number of them made it worse). Currently, the only set up I have running is what i consider to be my invert tank. It's a 20gal with a few of my fave low light plants that i just couldn't bring my self to part with (a few crypts, some hygro, and a few chunks of my annubis nana, all of which) and some really nice driftwood. As far as fishy livestock goes, I have a few tetras (don't even remember what they are now) that i plan to swap out with some eques pencils, my wifes two guppies (don't ask), oh, and one baby cockatoo apisto I never could catch. My invert stock makes up a larger part of my stocking with 7 ghost shrimp, 23 red cherries, 1 bamboo shrimp and my pride 'n joy my giant african filter shrimp.

Currently, I'm researching FOWLR setups for a project tank i plan to start for my first attempt at saltwater. I'll post more about my plans for this on the FOWLR forum.

Anyway, thats basically me in a nutshell... well... more like a suitcase i guess.

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