Guppies and there off spring????

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jan 24, 2005
Okay take two had this all typed out before and then the internet frooze and i lost all the information i typed before i hate when that happens. Okay we have one male guppy (see picture below) and we are thinking of getting two females for him the problem is we have no clue what do to with the off spring if they do mate, could we bring the off spring back to the pet store where we bought the parents from? And how do you sex the guppies i know at the store they have the females in one cage and the males in another cage, i want to know so just in case we would like to keep one we know what sex it is and can get the proper sex for it?
The pictures are not fery sharp but i cant get them any sharper cause our digital camera seems to work only when it wants to

Thanks waterlilly


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You'd have to ask your pet store about rather they will accept the babies. Sexing guppies is pretty easy. The males have a gonopodium. Their anal fin is be pointed and held close to the body. Where as the females anal fin is carried fanned out.
Okay thanks i figured i had to ask the store but wasnt sure when i get the females i will take a closer look at them maybe i can then see more or less what you are talking about.
I can probably find some pic to post for you here. There are some really nice male guppy pics in the show off forum from Guppyman. You should check those out. :D
(y) cool thanks thats what i thought you where talking about but wasnt sure going right now to check out Guppyman's pictures.
Guppyman® Pics

waterlilly said:
(y) cool thanks thats what i thought you where talking about but wasnt sure going right now to check out Guppyman's pictures.
Hi, I'm sorry that I haven't had a chance to update my pics hee at AA, but I promise to do so, very soon. In the interim you can view all of my new pics at Be sure to click for Page 2 when you get to the bottom of Page 1. My apologies, again. - Frank/Guppyman®

P.S. I forgot. Most of my new pics are also here at AA, in the "Show-Off" section of the Community Forum.
You have some beautiful guppies i absuletly love guppies, question can have more than one male in the tank? Cause i dont want to buy any females after all cause i would have no idea what to do with the offspring if they had some cause my husband said that the store we got them from probally wouldnt want to take them.

waterlilly said:
You have some beautiful guppies. question can have more than one male in the tank? - Quote edited by Guppyman®
Thank you for your kind words. You can keep as many males together without females as is appropriate for your size of tank and your level of fish keeping experience. Enjoy! Oh, and get a couple of Corys, too. What is a tank without a few Corys? - Frank/Guppyman®
Thanks :oops: my husband said we could take them to his dad and he could feed them to his goldfish in the outside pond and i flat out told him no :evil: or we could flush them down the toilet and my response was no way :evil:, there is no way i could do that to any living creature unless it is suffering.
I only speak the truth Guppyman we do have 5 black widow tetras and 3 catfish allege eaters and 2 cherry red dwarf shrimp in our 15 gallon tank and also that lone guppy.
waterlilly said:
Thanks :oops: my husband said we could take them to his dad and he could feed them to his goldfish in the outside pond and i flat out told him no :evil: or we could flush them down the toilet and my response was no way :evil:, there is no way i could do that to any living creature unless it is suffering.
Hi. Flusing them is a no-no. Feeding them to another fish completes the cycle of life in the aquatic world. Big fish eat little fish - that's just the way old Mother nature has it set up. Don't feel bad or be squeamish about that. It's good karma. :) - Frank/Guppyman®
Well thank god he was kidding about flushing them he just said it cause he knew it would get my flustered, and you are right about the cycle of life normally iam not so squeamish about things like that. It like in one of the pet stored we where in they had live crickets in plastic boxes to feed to spiders and other stuff and my husband turns and looks and me and ask what are they there for and i turned around and looked at him and said duh what is sitting right beside them its is food for the spiders, it is mother nature he's all gross,lol. So you are absuletly right about the circle of life.
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