Guppies or Mollies

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 5, 2013
I am looking to stock a 10 gallon tank with plants rocks and a log along with an airstone. But which fish should I get Mollies or guppies. I know that guppies would probably do better in this tank and they are better for smaller tanks. But could I have about 3-4 mollies in a 10 gallon? I have kept mollies before but would 3 in a 10 gallon be better than about 4-5 guppies in a 10 gallon?
Yes Mollies are dirty fish and I have a penguin bio wheel 100 which seems to be more than enough power for my tank.
I would go with the guppies since they are smaller and have prettier colors. My opinion though. I have about 9 guppies 3 fry and 3 swordtails in a 10 gallon and I have had no trouble. Only a few of them are fully grown. I know it's over stocked, but I change plenty of water once a week. You really should choose what ever you like best.
Guppies are so easy. I have hundreds in my 10 gallon. They are all mixed ages and sexes but they are all happy. I love the splash of color they create and I haven't lost a single guppy in over a year since I first started and got a good stock group.
I would not go with mollies. They are messy fish and can grow quite large and might not do so well in a smaller space. Hippies would be much more suited. :)
I have about 9 .. 2 inch mollies in a ten gallon tank. They are very dirty but they do just fine together. Also i have more females than males. Also helps that they are all family. It is really up to you.. in my personal experience its all how well maintained the tank is because recently i also had 4 guppues in with the mollies.. it was a little bit of work but they were all healthy and happy. The guppies mostly got pregnant tho so i had to move them to their own separate tank
Thanks for all of your suggestions, I really like mollies but I think they would do better in a larger tank and I would like to try something new so I will probably go with guppies in this tank and hopefully I will be getting a 55 gallon in about 4 months I will put plenty of mollies in their.
Mollies are an extremely active fish that produce a ton of waste. Some types (such as sailfins) get pretty large too. Ideally they should be in tanks of at least 30 gallons. The best livebearers for a ten gallon would be guppies or endlers. (y)

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