Guppies showing odd poo

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jun 11, 2004
southern Oregon
All things in my fish tank are stable since i last got it checked... (lfs said all levels were norm) But my guppies are pooping multi-colored to no-colored poo. Longer strings then normal of practically clear poo with 'bubbles' in it. Also, it is lighter and some go dark light/clear, dar again and I am scared I might have fish tank worms or something of a much more sinister nature.

Any ideas or knowledge in the area of odd colored poo would be helpful. Especially if you know how to solve the problem

NOTE: Feeding is regular, as in same as it has always been (once a day)
Internal parasites would be my first guess. Are there any signs of stress, like hanging at the surface or gasping for air?
Right this second they are scavenging the bottom for food. But they have been hanging out at the top, at least the guppies.
I have no males left. Yallow (stupid paroon *chokes*) had a fancy for them... If they are intestinal worms, any remedies.
Jungle makes a medicated food for parasites. It worked well for me. There is also a gel based food available. I got both at petsmart.
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