Guppies tail is hanging down

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Nov 18, 2012
Hey aquarium folk, got a question I can't seem to find the answer on good old google,

my guppie has started to have only what I can describe as. A limp tail, hanging down- I quarantined it and when I say that- I just kept it in the same tank but had an old strawberry clear container with holes and seperated him from the rest of the fish but still all in the same tank- then I felt a bit bad having him in there alone with the other guppie swam around him so I put the other health guppie in there to keep him company as he looked stressed being in there on his own- but now I think maybe the other guppie is showing signs of the same condition- I saw some post talking about giving him a crushed pea - due to maybe a bladder condution that I did but not visible changes...
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Excuse the aquario label, my girlfriend is teaching me Spanish ;)

Tank info

Ph 7
Amo 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 0

Tank 25 litres
6 tetra
2 including the sick guppie

Did a water change Friday
And a gravel clean- was a bit cloudy but cleared up now last one was 2wks
Havea real plant,
Aqua clear 20 pump with filter etc
Age of fish prob 6/7months from purchase
No recent problems
It's a little strange.

Is your tank 25 litres not gallons? I don't understand how you can have no nitrate on that stocking level. Is it liquid based test?

Typing this bouncing in the car so bear with me.

To double-check, could the tail have been crushed during a tank clean or anything? Also I can't see the picture well but could it have been a female recently given birth?

Otherwise is the fish just hanging there? If so, could be internal bacterial infection. Anything else? Pooping ok? No twitching or bloated/sunken belly?

If the other guppy is looking iffy, you could QT and try adding a teaspoon of salt per 5 gallon and see if any improvement.
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Here's a better picture as you can see in photo two, the poop is a bright pink colour, both of them, I looked at the mollies and their poop was brown?
Temp in tank is about 28.5 I'm pretty sure the tank is 25 litres the measurements are. 61 length x15deep x25height in cm

About two weeks ago I had a lepard kory and it suddenly was finding it hard to swim and eventually its fins went rigid and wasn't really moving so i had to put him out of misery the ice and then i noticed the guppie started getting a limp tail I don't know why my levels are like that, I change about 25% every week and clean the filter etc and try and do a gravel clean every other week I have one live plant see photo belowImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1398093624.511653.jpg
Answer to other questions,
I'll do another test now, it's the api freshwater master kit
Pretty sure I didn't hit them as I usuall take everything out so they usually just move away to the other side,
No real twitching just kinda using its front fins and the tail only move rarely - before they were always swimming around but to he really just stay in one position- but not at surface level
I put my old pump in just to circulate the water more
Yeah it's cycled had the tank for over two years ammonia up a little prob coz I added two new fish last week it usually goes down again any Ideas on the fish prob?
It looks like it might be TB. I've never had personal experience with it but if it wasn't some type of injury then TB is the only thing that looks like that.

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