Guppy Babies!!

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Aquarium Advice Activist
May 18, 2013
I live in Riverside, Ohio
Hey guys my guppy had babies and my mom saved 5 and I saved 2 I've had them for about a week now!! Feeding hard boiled egg yolk, water. When should I starting feeding smashed fish flakes? Thank you guys!!
I feed mine crushed fish flakes since they are born and they seem to do fine I've grown guppy fry successfully countless times

I tried the EEG thing but it dirtied my water too much and if your not careful with keeping their tank clean or shocking them with a sudden water change - it could kill them

So yeah In my experience you can feed them crushed flakes as soon as you want
I feed mine froze bbs , it's always cute they always come up when they see your hand crushing the food. Feeding time. Keep us update on the fry.
Just crush your flakes up till it looks like dust and dip your fingers in the water to remove it all
I started feeding mine fry food #2 which I bought from the LFS but I've moved onto flakes now I like the fry food since you don't have to mess around crunching up flakes to start with, it's not so bad once they get a little larger and can handle slightly bigger pieces :)
Approximately how long until they should be big enough?

As someone else said they feed flake from birth but I waited around a week to 10 days. I have different batches of fry in the same tank so what I do is feed flake and put 1 drop and make it sink to the bottom for the younger smaller ones. Once I see that they all come to the surface for flake ill stop with the liquid food and just use flake
I have my babies in a 80 litre all varying in age the oldest are guppies 4 weeks the youngest 2 days ..then my mollies are nearly 4 weeks old , I feed them baby food , basically really finely ground flakes and now I drop a few bigger flakes in which the baby mollies enjoy, the guppies are still small in comparison to the mollies , but they all get a good feed, I feed them 3 times a day , in a morning I hand feed them ;) they seem to go crazy when I put my hand in , they all try to get in my hand

I have a 50 gallon tank that I put 2 female guppies in a while back, and there are always hundreds of guppies in there now. They have floating plants so a lot of the young can survive. They don't get any special feeding at all. The larger fish in the tank get flake food once a day, and I'd guess that the guppies eat what they can of that as well as whatever grows on the floating plants.

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