Guppy breeding

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 14, 2004
I've had two guppies (a male and female) for over a month now and the female has yet to get pregnant. Could this be due to nonoptimal water temperatures? I've heard they breed in different temperatures. I just got a heater for the tank and am now keeping it at 78. Before the heater, it was probably averaging 72.
You should be fine. JKust wait and it will eventually happen. I keep mine at 78. Once they start, they won't stop. At 78, they will be much more active...and when that happens... :mrgreen:
There are some females incapable of getting pregnant. Depending on tank size i would get another female, and try feeding live brine shrimp or black worms ( or an frozen foods)
I would suggest that you increase your females. It is ideal to keep at least 2 females to every male. If your tank is big enough, get two more because the males are very persistant and will harass your single female to death.

Livebearers are extremely easy to breed, in fact, I don't think I've bought a female guppy that wasn't already pregnant. The gestation period for fry is around 28-30 days. Just keep in mind that once your female get's pregnant, you could have up to 3-4 different batches every 28-30 days without ever mating with a male again.

Here is a pic of one of my preggo guppy. Notice the dark black gravid spot near her anal fin. As she gets closer to delivering, her spot will get darker, it will move closer to her anal fin and she will usually find a place to hide. This girl gave me about 4 batches with the first having 30 fry. The amount of fry decreased at every batch.

And here are her fry.


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