Guppy chasing molly constantly in the tank

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 7, 2012
A male guppy has constantly been following the molly, is he trying to be friendly or mate? Also think molly maybe pregnant but not sure as new to this


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The tanks 100L he hasnt nipped her at all as her fins are perfect, the water has been cycled yes but currently having problems with the water
I have a 3x male 5x female mix of guppies and the alpha male spends a lot of time following the females around checking on them (all of them are pregnant), and the females don't care much for it. One of the females likes to hide up under the filter return of my HOB to get some away time on occasion.

Sounds like mating to me (since guppies and mollies can cross breed) due to the lack of biting.
Should i get some more females for the males then as she seems to be the only female
A few female guppies would help spread it out I guess. My males swim with them when they're farther along in the pregnancy from what I can tell. The alphas aggression is only towards the other males, but it's not harmful.

You wouldn't get overrun with fry since they'll likely eat them if there's no hiding spots like floating plants, or foliage with sections the adults can't get to. The only ones I've seen make it past a week or two found some nice small crevices in the existing rock but got eaten eventually when they tried coming out into the open. I was fasting the tank during a cycle and they went from ignoring them to treating themselves to a snack.
Do not get any more fish until your tank has finished cycling.

See your thread about your water.

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