Guppy fry

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Dec 13, 2012
I just got some fry today with I guess is a great Christmas present so in order to keep them alive what do I do
Separate them from their parents and other fish or provide them with lots of cover to help them hide. (Plants, rocks, wood, etc) the best food to feed would be baby brine shrimp (live or frozen).
New Guppies

I just got some fry today with I guess is a great Christmas present so in order to keep them alive what do I do

Hello Aqua...

You could try to separate the little ones from the adults, but that's work for you and can stress your fish. I would suggest getting some good frozen foods like brine and mysis shrimp or bloodworms, frozen plankton and krill and start feeding all you fish a little more and a little more often.

It's been my experience with Livebearers, that well fed adults show little or no interest in the fry. The fry will grow very quickly with the nutritious food.

Adding some fast growing stem plants like Anacharis and Pennywort will make all your fish feel more comfortable.

Just a couple of suggestions.

I have Platy fry, but my best advice is to feed your adults just a little more than normal. None of my fish including a rainbow shark, adult platys, gouramis, or loaches mess with my fry at all if they are fed well. As for the fry, I feed mine the powder fry food at the same time as the adults. It seems to bulk them up faster than any other food I've tried, plus I know they get it because the adults don't seem to really notice it.
Lots of floating plants like Hygrophila difformis will keep them safe from the adults and in due time will also provide food for future fry.


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