guppy growth

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Sep 21, 2011
northern minnesota
:brows:I am wondering how fast a guppy fry should grow. I have a few babies that are approx 3 months old but do not seem to be growing all that fast. I feed ground flakes and chopped baby brime shrimp,(frozen) and dry shrimp I add approx 1-2 gal water to the tank weekly and if I could quess I would say the babies are only 1/8-1/4" in size at 3 months old. I feed 2 times daily small pinches. What am I doing wrong?
Your Guppies

:brows:I am wondering how fast a guppy fry should grow. I have a few babies that are approx 3 months old but do not seem to be growing all that fast. I feed ground flakes and chopped baby brime shrimp,(frozen) and dry shrimp I add approx 1-2 gal water to the tank weekly and if I could quess I would say the babies are only 1/8-1/4" in size at 3 months old. I feed 2 times daily small pinches. What am I doing wrong?

Hello crit...

Your guppies are able to have little ones at about 2 to 3 months and are considered adults at 6 months.

Fry will grow best with a feeding every couple of hours if you're able to do it. If not, 6 very small feedings a day is fine. I feed my Guppies a little frozen food, a small bit of freeze dried and a very little bit of flaked food. I feed the adults twice a week and the little ones about every other day, if the fish are separated. If you feed too much, the extra food can cause water chemistry problems.

Have fun!

Fish regularly release growth inhibiting hormones into the water. To increase growth you will need to increase the water change schedule. For fry tanks 10% daily is recommended for the fastest growth. What do you do for your current water change schedule?
Food, oxygen and temperature are what you need to consider. no need to chop baby brine shrimp - newly born guppies can take freshly hatched brine shrimp nauplii. Temperature of around 75F and regular small feeds. They may not be getting enough food - keep them fed so they always have a little bulge in their belly.

Sorry Mebbid, but not sure how water changes increase growth - yes you need to keep your water quality optimal, but that is the case for any aquarium.
Food, oxygen and temperature are what you need to consider. no need to chop baby brine shrimp - newly born guppies can take freshly hatched brine shrimp nauplii. Temperature of around 75F and regular small feeds. They may not be getting enough food - keep them fed so they always have a little bulge in their belly.

Sorry Mebbid, but not sure how water changes increase growth - yes you need to keep your water quality optimal, but that is the case for any aquarium.

Water changes pull out a growth suppressing hormone in the water. My room mate and I each had a school of guppies born within a week or 2 of each of each other. Both were kept in 10g tanks and fed approximately the same amount with air powered sponge filters in the tanks.. Mine were given daily 10% water changes and hers were given weekly 25% water changes.

Now that they have reached breeding age and mine are nearly fully grown sized guppies while hers have barely grown. We were talking to a breeder about it when they mentioned hormones that are released into the water by fish when my room mate decided to pull a few out of her 10g fry tank and stick them into a hob breeder box on a 29g tank that regularly gets bigger water changes. The 5 guppies that were placed in the 2 qt breeder box have nearly doubled in size in just a little over a month while the ones in the 10g tank have hardly changed.

Water changes are the way to go to get guppies to grow faster.
thank you all for your imput on my babies. I will increase feeding and also water changes. I am retired so am home all day most of the time so that wont be a problem. I will let you know in about a month if there is a difference in growth.
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