Guppy is having babies now!!

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Yes That is normal. The babies stay in the momma as eggs until they hatch then momma pops them out. Yours still shows the egg yolk sack on it stomach. It will be absorbed and it will look normal after about a day or two. Yours looks like he was born slightly premature but it should be fine. SO fun watching the little ones grow and color up. OS.
Probably, depends on the age and size of the momma. I've seen them have as few as two to as many as 30. They will usually drop a batch over several hours to a full day. If they're in an established tank, they will eat on the micro bio-film, plant matter, and what infusoria is naturally in the tank for about two days, then you can grind up a little flake into powder and they are big enough to eat it. When they get to 1/4" long they can thrive really well on frozen baby brine shrimp. OS.
If this is a young female, it is normal for their first batch to be not as robust and developed. She'll do better as she gets older. OS.
Yeah was her first - that's fine because I just checked on another lady I had in isolation and she has had 20+ so far lol!! Wooohoooooo
My diaper days are done - my kids are so excited over the babies lol - don't get me wrong we have had heaps of guppy fry but never seen them born - usually they just have them in the tank but I've been monitoring their breeding because I want to be selective with them now
My two daughters learned a little about the birds and the bees watching daddy's guppy tank. They are 44 and 41 yrs old now. Precious memories. OS.
Awe i remember how excited i was watching my mollies have fry. It was fun watching the babies grow up. Now i think one of my babies are having babies!

My Jacks had fry and it was even more exciting waiting on eggs to hatch and watching them parent the fry!

Enjoy your babies and come back to this thread if you can and post pics! This is the only way i can see them.
Mumma guppy died sometime last night - she didn't look to great after delivering all those babies - there is at least 30 and I reckon I'd want to die if I had to do that too!!

The other one has been resting for over 24 hours so I'll put her with the male I've selected and see how they go.

Babies doing great!!
Good thing to do, if you have a way to do it, is to let momma rest a couple of days away from the ever-harassing males. Most breeders of high grade guppies do this. OS.
I'm going to leave her be for another day or so, she still seems not quite right to me after closer inspection so I'll monitor her and see how she goes.
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