Guppy not looking to good

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Sep 29, 2012
I have a pregnant guppy, over the last day or 2 she has been staying near the surface not eating and other fish keep attacking her she not really swimming around much. Is she dying? I have put her in breeder box to separate her from others.

Just been to check on her and she now laying on the bottom of the breeder box
It's possible that she was going into labor and that's why she was getting attacked. In the future try putting your fish in the breeding box before she goes into labor
She was showing no signs of labour. Not any of the signs I've read about anyway. I still have 1 female in the tank but don't no if she will ever get pregnant she has a crocked spine will that prevent her. I have had her the same length of time as the othere one that died.
You don't want the one with a crocked spine to get pregnant. If it has a deformaty the fry would likely get it.
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