Guppy pregnant? And ID

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Nov 4, 2012
I bought these guys a few days ago and was wondering if the females are pregnant here is a pic...
ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1390684783.610329.jpg
She is in the upper left

Also I was wondering if I can get an id of the type of guppies I have...
ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1390684848.260870.jpg
They look like cobra guppies. I think she is gravid, she definitely is if she is (or has been) with a male. The pics aren't very good so it is hard to tell
General rule of thumb for me is that if there are females with males, they are pregnant. Nice guppy though, I had a few of them but gave them to a friend as my tank was overpopulated. Guppies breed like mad!! If you cannot seperate the fry I suggest some low bushy plants for them to hide in for the bottom, and some floating plants for the top. Good luck!!
How would I be prepared? I have a sponge filter if that's what you mean
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