Hagan Elite mini?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Sep 12, 2011
I really hate the HOB filters that came with my 5 gallon tanks. I am thinking of replacing them with the Hagan elite mini filters:


Since they are planted tanks and only house one betta and one apple snail each, I think this would be sufficient filtration. I have to shove a sponge in the intake of the current filters so that it barely flows anyway. Does anyone have experience with these and how much flow they produce? I don't want too much flow, but just enough mechanical filtration to keep the water from looking stagnant.
I hate air pumps and all the space they take up. These are in my 2 and a half year olds room and my 4 and a half year old room, so I need minimal noise and minimal equipment. Pumps move as they vibrate and begin making funny noises which might scare the munchkins .
Well I received these from amazon and put them in the tanks. I have to say that I am extremely pleased with the size and the adjustability of the outflow. I put it on the lowest flow and it doesn't seem to bother the bettas too much unless they swim right in front of it. Definitely much better than the aquatech HOB filters that came with the tanks.
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