hairy situation

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jul 7, 2003
Hi thanks a lot in advance for any advice : )

i have 2 german blue rams and 1 otto in my tank.. maybe a 2-3 weeks ago one of the rams started to develop a white puff spot on his face.
i didn't know what it was, and it didn't really fit any discription... so i gave it a best guess and treated for fungus. I tried 3 different fungus medicines over the past 2-3 weeks, but none of them seem to have any effect, so I now am not sure what exactly this thing is.

I would like now to quarentine the one sick fish, however i'm unsure how to do this.. because I only have one tank right now, but am going to buy another.. here's what i was thinking:

buy a larger tank(any excuse right? :oops: ) for the healthy(?) fish.. and keep the sick one in the current tank. the only thing i am worried about is if the other fish are exposed to whatever it is the sick one has..
if i got a larger tank i would like to add some more fish to it of course, but don't want to have it imediatly infected with something. but at the same time i don't want to keep them in the same tank as this sick fish!

is there anything i can do to help in this situation? should i just get a small tank for the sick fish and leave the healthy ones in the current tank?

also does anyone here know what would be wrong with my sick fish? i wish i had a camera.. but he has a white spot on his face that seems to be growing slowly.. it's protrudes out, and is kind of like a white moleish looking thing. he also has a white/hazy area right where his fin meets his body. i have seen him rub against the rocks a little bit, if that helps!
like i said i have tried fungus meds.. not sure what to try next!

i'm not sure if it's related or not, but both of the rams seem to have a problem with their dorsel and rear(?) fins.. they seem to have a whisp on them.. it's hard to describe.. but the fins seem to trail.. like they have a streamer attached to the end of their dorsel/rear fins.

thanks a lot for any advice or assistance! i have had 0 luck trying to find what the causes are online.. thanks again!
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