Hand feeding

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 20, 2005
Lake Tahoe, CA
Wow, this is amazing. Today I moved my fishes into a 55 gallon tank. I have 1 african cichlid, 3 danios (don't ask), 15 feeder goldies, and a few guppies who I am sure won't last much longer.
Within 4 hours of putting these guys in the big tank I have them literally eating from my hand! OK well the danios and guppies don't participate, but everyone else does! I tried for 5 weeks to get my moms Koi to even THINK about eating while people were even watching (maybe the previous owners weren't nice?) and I have these feeders and cichlid hand feeding in 1 day? OMG
I can't wait to get my new cichlids and get them hand feeding too.

Does anyone else have their fishies handfeeding?
My angelfish used to eat out of my hand... i think theres a pic of it in my gallery. Why do you have so many feeder goldfish? Just curious becuase they should really be kept in cooler water than your tropicals (cichlid, guppies...)
AshleyNicole said:
. Why do you have so many feeder goldfish? Just curious becuase they should really be kept in cooler water than your tropicals (cichlid, guppies...)

My question exactly......
Africans are great about eating out of your hands. Mine do it all the time. It's one of their perks. :D The Acei's in our tank let me rub their sides. It's pretty cool actually.
Because my husband is an idiot, thats why we have so many feeders. I sent him to the store and he returned with goldies and danios. I have kept goldies with africans before, they did fine. These guys will be staying for a little while till they can move into the pond. They are temporary guests.

My 2 fire eels, and my albino rainbow shark eat out of my hands. The Bolivian Ram does too. And also my dojo loach.
Dragonmommy said:
Because my husband is an idiot, thats why we have so many feeders. I sent him to the store and he returned with goldies and danios. I have kept goldies with africans before, they did fine. These guys will be staying for a little while till they can move into the pond. They are temporary guests.

LOL... i m sorry that is just too funny... but i am glad to hear the goldies have a bigger place to go because even though they may be fine for now it can cause problems in the long run.
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