Harlequin Rasbora disease'd

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Aquarium Advice Freak
May 29, 2011
Miami, FL
I've been having this issue ever since I got Harlequin Rasboras, and it seems to come on and off every once in a while. About two weeks ago one of my Rasboras had some strange fungus covering it, started swimming erratically, constantly twitching, and wouldn't school with the rest of the group. I placed it in a quarantine (bucket with airstone, did water changes every 2 - 3 days). Treated it with API Fungus cure, however it didn't really get any better and died after a week in quarantine.

Now I'm noticing another one of my Rasboras seems to be isolating itself from the main group, i cant see if anythings wrong with it, except that a few of my Rasboras have single white spots on them. I know its not ick, since i fought ick twice before. I'm reading that it might possibly be Neon Tetra Disease that somehow afflicted my Rasboras (even though i've never had Neon Tetras before). Can anybody give possible input? I might just sell the Rasboras if they keep dying on me like this, rather than the possibility of it spreading to the rest of my fish.
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