Have you been successful keeping guppies with bettas?

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Have you been successful keeping guppies with bettas?

  • Yes. I have kept guppies and a betta of the same sex with no problems.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes. I have kept guppies and a betta of different sexes with no problems.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • NO WAY! This is a lethal combination!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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I guess it all comes down to the betta if he/she is agressive or not on the others, I have tons of space in the tank so they do well.
I don't kow if the betta is agressive or not. Haven't bought him yet. :wink:

I was just wondering what the odds are...if they are for me or against me. I would love to get another betta but I don't want to try something that nobody has had luck with before. Right now I have a male betta in with two platies in my 10 gallon, and they seem to do really well.

I wouldn't have tons of space in the tank...only a 5 gallon. I do have one of those dividers though, so I guess if things got rough I could seperate them until I figured out what to do. (Buy another tank, maybe? lol)
I had 2 male and 3 female guppies in a 5 gallon tank with a male betta. Twice. They always got along. Like Menagerie said, if the male is really finly gifted, there may be problems, I just have never had problems.

I voted for Yes. I have kept guppies and a betta of the same sex with no problems.

But I've also had problems. I basically had to re-arrange 2 bettas..swap the tanks they were in. One's a real guppy tail nipper...the other's mellow.
Hmmm....maybe I can give the bettas an inkblot test at the store to see who is aggressive and who is not. Then again, they will probably call the men in the white coats to come 'remove' me from the store. Wouldn't be the first time. hehe :mrgreen:
Maybe I should just come up with another idea of what I can put with my guppies. But I really wanted another betta!!!!!!! *end of whine*
An inkblot test, also referred to as Rorschach Inkblot Test. Basically, the idea goes you put a drop of ink on a piece of paper, then randomly mess it around, leaving an ink blot. A person would then look at it and say what their interpretation of the blot is, what picture they 'see'. Because it is just a random ink blot, what they see will supposedly give you an insight into their personality. Different people will 'see' different images.

So by giving the betta the inkblot test, veruca wants to find out how each betta will respond to putting guppies in the tank, because each of them will probably react differently. :D

And just so you know, veruca, you could leave him in a divided tank permanently if you so desired. Unless I break down and get my betta his own tank, I have my betta separated from my killifish (because the killifish loved biting his fins).

Thanks for explaining the inkblots Paul. You were more succinct than I would have been.

I don't know about leaving it divided permanently as it is only a 5 1/2 gallon. Not much room I am afraid. *sigh* I should just buy a really big tank. lmao
Out of all the male bettas i have kept, only a couple of them would peaceably live with guppies. Most of them would attack, kill and eat the guppies after a while. With female bettas there is a higher chance of things working out between the species, but not in every case as female bettas have bettatude just like the males :lol: .
I would not suggest it. I kept two male guppies with one mellow female betta. They got along for months & seemed to be doing fine until one afternoon I looked at the tank & one of the male guppies was laying at the bottom of the tank with NO FINS completely. Like he was done to death. I couldn't think of anything other than the female betta must have done that but it still doesn't make sence because I NEVER seen her bite them. It is still a "mystery" to me.
I've had many guppies in w/ my betta(s) but they have been feeder guppies (i felt bad for em) I have not had a problem w/ them and I've had them for ~ 8 months now I believe. I've never had any of the fancy guppies w/ my betta however. I've heard it's a bad idea and I've heard it would be ok. I guess it just depends on your tank size and your fish.
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