Heater help please!

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 5, 2011
Redcar, UK
I have a 25W Interpet Delta Therm heater, a week old. It's a 20L tank.

My thermometer shifts between 24-27 degrees throughout the day. But sometimes the tank 'feels' warmer or colder than that. Does that make sense?

The temperature fluctuating 2-3 degrees throughout 24 hours - will this cause problems?
A good heater won't do that. My heaters ALWAYS keep my tanks within 1 degree of the set temp. Any more than that can cause stress on the fish. 1-2 degrees is Ok... any more than that, IMO, is not good.
Do you mean the glass of the aqauarium? It may feel warmer or cooler than the water, but that doesn't reflect the water temp. Do you have a floating thermometer in your tank? If not, you should to monitor actual temp. I never trust the scale on either of my heaters.

In nature water temperature fluctuates and baring huge changes, it shouldn't have any adverse affects on your fish.

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Mr. Limpet...yes, I have a thermometer on the side of the tank which shows between 24-nearly 27 so its not quite 3 degrees difference, but I think as the heater shuts down once it reaches temp and then kicks back in as it starts to drop, am I right in thinking that the glass WILL feel slightly warmer and cooler at times?
Flan123 said:
Mr. Limpet...yes, I have a thermometer on the side of the tank which shows between 24-nearly 27 so its not quite 3 degrees difference, but I think as the heater shuts down once it reaches temp and then kicks back in as it starts to drop, am I right in thinking that the glass WILL feel slightly warmer and cooler at times?

Correct about glass temp & water temp. I'm sure some will disagree with me, but I don't trust the stick/glue on the side of the tank termometers, as they can be influenced by room temps. I use the glass floating ones and the nice thing with these are that you can put them in PWC buckets to check temps too.

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Correct about glass temp & water temp. I'm sure some will disagree with me, but I don't trust the stick/glue on the side of the tank termometers, as they can be influenced by room temps. I use the glass floating ones and the nice thing with these are that you can put them in PWC buckets to check temps too.

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So do you think, Generally, I have nothing to worry about?
I agre with Mr Limpet on the glass thermometer. I had assumed (i know, i know) that you were actually touching the water and coming to this conclusion.

I wouldn't say there's nothing to worry about. I would get a thermometer for inside the tank and see where it's staying. If it's staying constant, then you have nothing to worry about.
I agre with Mr Limpet on the glass thermometer. I had assumed (i know, i know) that you were actually touching the water and coming to this conclusion.

I wouldn't say there's nothing to worry about. I would get a thermometer for inside the tank and see where it's staying. If it's staying constant, then you have nothing to worry about.

The thermometer IS inside the tank, its a glass thermo on the front. It fluctuates about 2 degrees, as must the water...
Oh... You said on the front of the tank, sounded like you meant it was a stick on thermometer. I would still get another thermometer and test it. They're like $1 at walmart. If they both fluctuate, then you should probably consider getting a new, better quality heater.
Revising my response. You might want to get a new heater. The other issue is, how big is your tank? Smaller tanks can fluctuate more than larger ones. And is your tank near a window or heater (vent)? These can have an affect on temp too.

Ignore this->I think you're OK. Get an in-tank thermo and I bet your temp isn't fluctuating as much as you think. Much like the difference between test strips and a liquid test kit, a real thermo will give you an accurate reading.

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I think you're OK. Get an in-tank thermo and I bet your temp isn't fluctuating as much as you think. Much like the difference between test strips and a liquid test kit, a real thermo will give you an accurate reading.

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I have the heater set to 24 now. I checked the in-tank thermometer an hour ago and it said 25.5 and the heater was off. Just checked now, and its 25, heater still off. I'm guessing as it drops slightly more it will reheat again? So it doesnt drop BELOW 24?
Oh... You said on the front of the tank, sounded like you meant it was a stick on thermometer. I would still get another thermometer and test it. They're like $1 at walmart. If they both fluctuate, then you should probably consider getting a new, better quality heater.

OK. The heater is only a week old, and is covered by a 2 year warranty, but as i look more into it I don't think its as dramatic as I initially sounded. Or am I just kidding myself? I've heard a lot of people say that their thermometer always shows a different temp than that on the actual heater setting itself?
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Flan123 said:
I have the heater set to 24 now. I checked the in-tank thermometer an hour ago and it said 25.5 and the heater was off. Just checked now, and its 25, heater still off. I'm guessing as it drops slightly more it will reheat again? So it doesnt drop BELOW 24?

Correct. Also, is your heater rated for your tank size? Like a filter, larger is better than smaller.

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Correct. Also, is your heater rated for your tank size? Like a filter, larger is better than smaller.

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Well, my tank is only 20L(not sure what that is in GAL). It's for my visually impaired baby son as it stimulates his sight so is only going to house a few neons.

The table graph on the heater manual states 25W for 4-30L tanks. Mines a 20L and I have the 25W heater so I would think this would be ideal as its 'bigger' than the recommended heater.

Another thing, as I've seen conflicting info...what is the ideal temp for neons and a couple of mollies?

I just want everything right. Tank has been cycling for just over a week and am taking to get my water tested tomorrow in hope to bring home our first neons!
Flan123 said:
Well, my tank is only 20L(not sure what that is in GAL). It's for my visually impaired baby son as it stimulates his sight so is only going to house a few neons.

The table graph on the heater manual states 25W for 4-30L tanks. Mines a 20L and I have the 25W heater so I would think this would be ideal as its 'bigger' than the recommended heater.

Another thing, as I've seen conflicting info...what is the ideal temp for neons and a couple of mollies?

I just want everything right. Tank has been cycling for just over a week and am taking to get my water tested tomorrow in hope to bring home our first neons!

5 gallon tank is pretty small and your heater sounds right for the tank. Small volume of water will dissipate heat quicker.

So is it near a window or heater?

You might want to exchange it if you can. Also when you go to the pet store get a liquid tesk kit so you can test at home. Small tanks need close monitoring.

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5 gallon tank is pretty small and your heater sounds right for the tank. Small volume of water will dissipate heat quicker.

So is it near a window or heater?

You might want to exchange it if you can. Also when you go to the pet store get a liquid tesk kit so you can test at home. Small tanks need close monitoring.

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I just thought it was normal as my younger brother has the same heater at his house and it kinda does the same thing. I'm gonna jot the temperature every two hours so if I come back to you tomorrow with the results can you help a little further and see whether it is worth exchanging it?? I'd rather not if I didn't have to.

It's neither near a heater or a window (which is never open anyway in his bedroom)
Flan123 said:
Well, my tank is only 20L(not sure what that is in GAL). It's for my visually impaired baby son as it stimulates his sight so is only going to house a few neons.

That's great what you're doing for your son. Might want to check out Glofish too. With a black light, they really POP visually.

Not sure on temp for tetras or mollies. If you don't see info searching here, google them. There are many sites dedicated to most every fish.

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Flan123 said:
I just thought it was normal as my younger brother has the same heater at his house and it kinda does the same thing. I'm gonna jot the temperature every two hours so if I come back to you tomorrow with the results can you help a little further and see whether it is worth exchanging it?? I'd rather not if I didn't have to.

It's neither near a heater or a window (which is never open anyway in his bedroom)

I had a small 7 gal hex and had the same issues, but my Moors didn't seem bother by it.

If the heater is from the same store you're going to tomorrow, they should honor it by exchanging it.

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I had a small 7 gal hex and had the same issues, but my Moors didn't seem bother by it.

If the heater is from the same store you're going to tomorrow, they should honor it by exchanging it.

Sent from my Epic 4G

Thats the thing. A difference of about 2 degrees may not be a massive issue? And as you say, as its a small tank, the temperatures will change quicker due to the fact its less water? I'ma ask him tomorrow when I go in, if its normal for it to happen. The shop workers seemed pretty clued up and the store I visited was amazing. You could see quarantine tanks, breeding tanks, everything, so they seem to know what they're doing.

If the worker is in agreement that there may be an issue then yes, I'll demand an exchange but I don't wanna do it needlessly.
Flan123 said:
Thats the thing. A difference of about 2 degrees may not be a massive issue? And as you say, as its a small tank, the temperatures will change quicker due to the fact its less water? I'ma ask him tomorrow when I go in, if its normal for it to happen. The shop workers seemed pretty clued up and the store I visited was amazing. You could see quarantine tanks, breeding tanks, everything, so they seem to know what they're doing.

If the worker is in agreement that there may be an issue then yes, I'll demand an exchange but I don't wanna do it needlessly.

Finding a good LFS is important. Make sure your tank is cycled before you get fish please. Saves a lot of pain and heartache (money too).

One other thing is where is your heater located? A centeral location (on the back wall) in your tank is better than to one side or the other, as well as water circulation via your filter.

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