heavily planted 29g.

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Sep 12, 2006
ok im starting to look liek a jungle in my tank, and i need fertilizer. i got some stuff called flouripride from tetratec.

i have a PC 65watt actinic(looks)
and a PC 65watt 10k
ok thats what i dont get either. how does ti make a difference on the amount of light you have?

i have the high light to accomodate all my plants. i really dont know the required light they need, so i got a good amoutn of light to make sure everyone is getting their share.

why is it that i need more fertilizer just because i have high light? is it activated by light? does it get used up faster by light?
Under higher light the plants grow faster and therefore use more nutrients. Low light plant does not mean it does not like more light, just that it will survive and grow with less light.
yes my tank grew quite well at 1.5 wpg and no fert dosing. i was using co2 though. but then when i went to high light my nitrates bottomed out becasue the fish could not produce them as fast as they were being used. also dosing potassium and phospahte helps if your tap water doesnt contain much or none at all. also your not really at high light casue the actinic doesnt count towards usable light.
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