Heckel #2 has a great big owie- disc jockey tips please?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jan 11, 2004
The South-SOoTHWEsT that is
Looks like the lil' guy was sleeping behind the heater in it's new location and got an unpleasant surprise. :( Ow!.
As tender as these discus are to water quality, they are some hardy boogers physically. Cookie had big angry chomps heal up fast. And this little guy had a good chunk of caudal grow and a pec completely back this past month. But this burn actually took a very large section..so I want to prevent infection while healing and this just looks soo ugly becuase it has blister on one edge. :( :cry:
Guess I need a heater guard...babies are the same no matter species..always in trouble! :oops:

So experienced disc keepers ( :wink: BrianNY)...hould I meddle or just up the salt a lil, like with a Goldie?
He is gone and the tank is QT again.

That creeping crud came back (obviously was not really quite gone) and used his wound to eat him alive >shudder< He was nearly half gone in less than 48 hours and his demise was....eeew! The other diskie has signs of the black death but is responding to the immediate return of full treatment. I am treating 4 weeks period....no matter how good it starts looking!
That is why it was so surprising I think..the original burn was prolly earlier still like after the power out a day earlier and it was the bacteria/fungus munching him overnight that caused the huge "sudden" owie.
We are water changin and saltin like mofos. And we covered the tank to prevent a repeat of the betta plague. no tanks are next door anyway.
Don't know why but this thing gives me the creeps, the dead fish look hideous (not that dead fish look great..but...) and the scale dust/fubus spore thing is just ...>shudder< X0
seriously gross. when i was a kid i had this recurring fear/nightmare that my entire family died of the flesh eating disease. Bet thats how that fish felt.
Not that I know of.. but we haven't purchased our own carefully selectedd yet..exactly. there was the $10 rescue fish and now thesef reebies.. It is airborne/ condnesation borne for sure. And these fish came with one dead blue fish so No telling..

The one store got them from a private owner as trade in for salts. The only connection if any is that both owners previous had just bought some really super fancy reds and blues added to an older population before an outbreak.
that it hit so many different fish so fast worried me so I am leery.
our one surviving Betta may never recover completely from the damages. I think he will be stunted..his eyes are goggly and he is no where near his surviving siblings size adn stature. :(

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