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Aquarium Advice Activist
Apr 17, 2009
Slippery Rock, PA
Hey folks! My name is Ryan. I recently got back into "aquariuming" (my girlfriend got me a 29 gallon starter tank for my bday!). I'm in the process of getting everything set up. I'm probably gonna use the tank for raising pirahnas or oscars with the intention of transferring them to a 55-75 gallon tank within a year or two. I've kept fish before, but I haven't in prob. 5 years. I'm excited to get back into it! I am an avid bluegrass banjo player and help run a site called the banjo mafia! (Welcome to the.... BANJO MAFIA) check it out if we have any bluegrass junkies in the midst! I'm hoping this site can offer me ideas, hints, and tips about my aquarium.
Welcome aboard Ryan!

First hint... Oscars grow quick.. :crazyeyes: not sure about piranhas.:confused:

I bought a 55 gallon .. First week of January 2009. I added an Oscar.
He is just about to big for the tank already... and that's a 55 gallon tank ... 4 months later.:shocked!:

Luckily I have a 110 gallon tank that will be ready shortly for him/her to move into.

A couple convicts would be cool in your 29 gallon tank.. or a couple Jack Dempseys.

Just my opinion.

Again, welcome to AA . Glad to have you.:p

Yeah I know oscars grow quick...I'm on the fence still...I've recently liked the idea of having a palmas long fin bichir...I don't know there growth rate though...but if I went that direction I'd put a knife fish and some larger cichlids with it...any other suggestions?
Yeah I know oscars grow quick...I'm on the fence still...I've recently liked the idea of having a palmas long fin bichir...I don't know there growth rate though...but if I went that direction I'd put a knife fish and some larger cichlids with it...any other suggestions?

I have a Blood Parrot (BP) in a 30 gallon along with 6 Albino Tiger Barbs (TB).

The BP is interesting like an Oscar, but won't get as big and its growth rate is slower.

It was in the tank with my Oscar, but the BP was pretty aggressive so I moved it to its own 30 gallon tank. But then it pouted and moved everything around in the tank, so I added the Tiger Barbs to cheer him up.

At first the BP tried to eat the TBs but they are too fast for it.

I think these fish would make for a great set for your aquarium.

Of course the best part of owning a tank is making it your owns.

Keep us posted on what you decide on.

BTW - The Oscar would be fine for awhile in your tank.
They are my favorite fish, so I understand your fascination, but I just wanted to let you know how fast they grow. And you really have to be committed to buying a larger set up for them. If your down with that, then by all means GO for it.

Good luck!


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