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The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Nov 30, 2003
southern california
hi people. i am 15 years old and am a very dedicated hobbyist. i am particularly fond of cichlids. i have kept and bred many rift lake species in the past but i currently have a 65 gallon aquarium with a 5" male gold severum, a pictus catfish, and a port hole catfish. i also have a 10 gallon aquarium with a male Neolamprologus Brevis which i will soon be pairing off. another 10 gallon with a male betta, a 10 gallon hospital tank and a 5 gallon where i breed snails as treats for my fish.
i am very much involved in the aquarium hobby. it is my life. i am always reading what ever information i can find on any aquarium related articles i can find, and spend much of my day talking fish online. i also have my own cichlid website which i started up recently and is still under construction. i am not sure about the advertisment rules here and i would not want to break any rules so i will not say the address of my site unless i find out its allowed. is it?
this is a nice forum here, i like it :D
to AquariumAdvice.com!!

We would love to see pictures of your tanks!!

i also have my own cichlid website which i started up recently and is still under construction. i am not sure about the advertisment rules here and i would not want to break any rules so i will not say the address of my site unless i find out its allowed. is it?

Provided the site is not considered offensive by most and you are not spamming for another forum, posting links is perfectly allowable. If your site contains fish forums, you can post the link in your sig and in your profile, you may also tell us about your site in the lounge (within reason), too often would be considered spam.
Great to see a 15-year-old dedicated aquarist...something to balance out old codgers like me (LOL). Welcome to the forum!
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