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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jul 31, 2016
Not sure if this is a sick fish question or not and I've searched this site as well as many others looking for help with no definite answer. So, I thought I would actually post this and get your thoughts and help please.

My son has a 20g standard rectangular tank with 3 african cichlids in it. It includes (bear with me I am new to the fish scene) a beautiful yellow lab, a solid purple guy, and then a, I believe, melanochromis.

Water temp is 78 degrees. ph around 8.4, kh around 300, chlorine 0, 75 water hardness, nitrite .5, and nitrates of 20.

We've had these fish for a few months now and we've had 0 problems up until recently. My son has a volcano air bubble apparatus in the aquarium. The yellow lab used to be very active, but within the past couple of weeks rarely comes out of the volcano (this used to be the purple guys hang out until the lab moved in).

Within the past day our melanie has changed colors. It used to be a very bright yellow and black and has turned to a grayish/black on black. Worth noting, maybe, that it acts normal still. Doesn't act like it's sick or anything, but we're concerned for sure. Any help would be great and thank you.


Ok, something new tonight with Mel. Still swimming around fine and going after Mr. Purple, however, after a couple of minutes he'll swim to the bottom and shake like it's having a seizure for a couple of seconds then swim like nothing is wrong.

Again any help or advice would be welcomed. Hate to see something bad happen to this little beaut.
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