Hello My Name Is Danny

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Feb 13, 2009
United Kingdo
Hi there im new to this forum me and my parthner have a 5 and 1/2 foot marine reef tank it is about 80 -90 gallons(uk) we have about 50 - 60 kgs of live rock and about 40 kgs of live sand we have two falce percula clown fish two bangii cardinal fish seven green chromis and one yellow clown gobbie.... We also have some corals witch are 1 large leather toadstool a rock with some orange zothoids on a rock also a rock with some purpls and orange zothioids and some greenstar polyps...... we have also got an anemone (but i cant remember what type of anemone it is i forgot since we bought it).... we also have some critters we have 2 redlegged hermits and 2 bluelegged hermits a sand sifting starfish also two skunkcleaner shrimps and a long spined sea urchin alo we have two hermits what are like a browny couler but not sure what type they are oh yes before i forget we also have a sea qucumber i will post some pics when i get the time probly tommorw

Thanks Danny :D
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