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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 14, 2013
I just bought 2 new peacocks. when i was starting the acclimation process, both bags went under and the fish got into the tank. Now 1 of em is floating at the top of the water and the other is now laying on the bottom. Help please! What can i do to stop them from stressing.
I dunno if there's much you can do besides turn the lights down and hope no one picks on them. But I'm sure someone with more experiance will chime in thouh with a better answer than I can give bit ill be following along. Just incase this ever happens to me. I hope they pull throuh there pretty hardy fish so I'm sure they will be ok.
Well I'm probably to late, but I would try to get them in the bag again with your tank water, so at least they are safe from the other fish.
So the reason why there doing this is because there stressed out due to being picked on by others?
So the reason why there doing this is because there stressed out due to being picked on by others?

More like not properly being acclimated we were worried about the others picking on them (you know how cichlids are) and stressing them out any more.
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