Help, Bettas fought!

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Mar 27, 2011
Morristown, TN
Well, I had to do some switching around of tanks and I had to move my Crowntail and Veiltail male Bettas from my 20g to a 10g divided. Unfortunately I apparently left a big enough gap for my Crowntail to squeeze over to the Veiltail's side. I was gone for 2 hours while it happened so I have no idea how long they were together. Needless to say I freaked out and immediately separated the Bettas, along with cramming some filter floss to where they cannot get through the gap. They are both understandably tired and wounded from their battle. I estimate they both lost about 1/4 of their total finnage. :nono: My biggest question: Is there anything I can do beyond frequent water changes to keep the water quality perfect? I feel like such a crappy owner, so any help is appreciated.


EDIT: I'm going to feed them some garlic infused food since it should help as a mild antibacterial. Should I grab some natural peat moss at Lowes and put a bit in the filter since it could be helpful?
My male betta was in my community tank for 6months, then one morning I got up & my pearl gourami had shredded him, he was really badly beat up all off his fins were shredded hardly anything left I was devastated felt it was my fault for putting him in their. Moved him too his own tank & did lots of partial changes & he pulled through, his fins repaired except for a part on his dorsal fin. Don't blame yourself you didn't know that was going too happen. :)
Thanks for the encouragement. My biggest hurdle is going to be keeping my Veiltail from getting fin rot, he has had it about 4 times in the year that I've owned him. Seems as though he is really susceptible to it, but hopefully pristine water will put them on the road to recovery. They both seemed a little more perked up this morning so we should be heading in the right direction.
That's all I did lots off clean water & he,s fine. Hope your guys keep ok :)
Is your divider see through? It's been said that a see through divider can cause stress for some Bettas because they can see the other Betta but can't get to it. Just something you may want to keep in mind especially since they've already fought & are not 100%.
I don't know about the peat moss or the garlic but if you put a little bit of aquarium salt in their water the next time you do a water change and keep a little salt in there It will help them heal faster. I have added salt to my bettas water and it does seem to help. Just make sure their water is very clean and they should be fine.
I've had some good experiences with Seachem's Stress Guard for body injuries like you describe.
My divider is not see through. At first I sanded it (acrylic) to give it a frosted effect. However I saw quickly that they were getting stressed so I made it to where they can't see through it any more. My biggest thing is to try and grant them a speedy recovery.

Thanks for the suggestions.

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