Help! Cant catch mean auratus

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Sep 16, 2012
Hey guys, I have a rotten egg in my tank and I can't seem to catch him! I am refraining from taking out the decor. But this seeming to be an impossible task. Does the bottle trap actually work?
Only thing that ever worked for me was a total break down of the tank and I had to do it a few times. I hope you have better luck then I did but in the end I had no choice. Cichlids can become hyper dominate and claim the whole tank. When that happens it lead to disaster.

I wish you luck, I've been there too many times then I care to speak on so I know what your going through.
I usually try to catch fish in the early in the morning when it's still dark out, this will give you a couple of minutes after you flick the lights on since the fish are disorientated. Most fish tend to sleep in the same spot each night, so just pay attenion for a couple of mornings where they are and you'll have a mich easier time. If that doesn't work then lower the water level and start removing stuff or grab them at feeding time when they're at the surface.
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I am very good at catching fish, holding off feeding for a day. Then the next day keep the lights off, put a few pellets/flakes just enough to get the scent in the water. He'll swim up, and nab him. I did this with my guppy killer. Or use a large tupperware like a corral and net and he'll either go into the tupperware or the net.
I take a cube of frozen bloodworms and put it in my net upside down in the tank so they go crazy trying to get it then when you flip it over they concentrate on getting the worms and you can scoop em right up no problem. My Angels swim right into my net it's kinda annoying when I'm trying to get someone else out.
The bottle trap worked! 5 minutes with some bloodworm and I was able to re locate him! Thank you guys for all your input!
This was the diagram I follow but only used a liter pop bottle. Make sure to remove all the labels and glue from the outside. I put a little food in mine and they flocked into it. May take some time to get the desired fish, but it works and it isn't extremely stressful to your fish!


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I've only had luck when taking the water level down way low when dealing with a quick fish.

I used to use a piece of plexiglass I cut to the size of the tank with tons of holes drilled in it and would start it at one end and slowly close off the tank like a divider. Of course this only helps when no decor is in.
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