Help - Cloudy Water

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 15, 2006
I am a newbie and have read the FAQ's and searched the forum but was unable to find any help for my problem.

I have a 72G freshwater tank that has been set up just over a year. I have cloudy water that I can not seem to clear despite several water changes. My nitrates are reading 10PPM, PH 7.6, no detectable ammonia or nitrite. I have an Emperor 400 BioWheel which contains the SeaGel mixture along with extra carbon in the extra media spaces. My fish are:
2 golden gouramis
2 green barbs
7 yellow tetras
2 rubber lipped plecos (small)
1 catfish (black/white - not sure what kind he is)
1 cory catfish

Any advice is appreciated!
That's weird because usually it's only cloudy when the nitrogen cycle is going on ...usually because of ammonia if I'm not mistaken ._.
Might be a "bacterial bloom", i had this problem early on with my aquarium. I bought a product called "filter aid" by interpet, cleared it up in no time
You only have that one power filter for filtration? If so, I"d go and get another power filter. You have a decent size tank, alittle more filtration would hurt a thing. My friend has 2 Whisper 30-60's on his 55, and I have 2 on my 29 gal, just a whisper 30-60 and one that came with it. Also have you been over feeding? Over feeding will def cloud up a tank. My friend's daughter's little boy dumped quite abit of food in their tank and trust me it was nothing but cloudy water :). I'd look up about getting another filter. That 75gal might be more the that Emprior can handle possibly. And if you do, invest in an Aqua-Clear. I've heard they're very good filters. Good luck!! :)
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