Help! DG Very Sick!

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Nov 26, 2019
Hi everyone. I need help. I have a flame dwarf gourami that is badly sick. It started a couple weeks ago with bloating and SB problems. I noticed it right away and began research. He was always floating, but could never stay righted. He didn’t stay at the top or bottom and wasn't upside down. First he swam diagonally, then vertically with his head down. I ruled out Dropsy as he didn’t have pinecone effect. I thought it was constipation so I fasted him for 2 days and then began feeding him peas and Epsom salt baths. On day 5 he was laying on the bottom of the tank curled up and writhing. I’d give him baths and he just wouldn’t poop. Then day 6 I woke up and he was fine! He had poop trailing behind him, was no longer bloated and swimming great. Poop was very long (5-6 inches) and clear/white though. He was good for 2 days, and then the 3rd day I came out to the tank in the morning and thought he was dead. Laying on the bottom of the tank not moving. But he was breathing. He’s been like that now for about 10 days. Again I bathed him and fasted him, but to no avail. I stopped bathing him because he’s not bloated and does poop and didn’t want to stress him as I basically have to scoop him off the bottom. Also I have to hand feed him each day with a long plant tweezers thing. He’s very hungry but I can only get maybe one or two flakes to him. He’s not bloated, no pine cone, no skin problems, nothing I can see. He just can’t swim and breathes very heavily. I dosed with API General Cure, and then did both Marycyn and Maracyn 2. I have one more day of Maracyn before I guess I'll do a fungus treatment. His eyes bulge a little bit he’s very much aware of his surroundings and moves his eyes and watches me when I’m at the tank. Does anyone have suggestions? I don’t want to loose him!
I have a 10g planted tank. 6 glow light tetras and two shrimp with him. Everyone’s healthy. Water is good (before I treated with the antibiotics), 0-0-10 nitrates. I do a water change weekly. Ph around 7.7 GH and KH normal for a planted tank. Tank was cycled for about 3 months before I got him and I’ve had him for 4 months now. Also I try to feed them a good diet, two types of flake food, freeze dried mysis shrimp and daphnia (always soak first), peas, and seaweed. Dried bloodworms on occasion and live bbs though he doesn’t like them.

Thanks !!
White stringy poop is common with internal parasites and some bacterial infections; has he been given anything for parasites?

Also if you treated with antibiotics you might have killed off your beneficial bacteria so make sure you’re not re-cycling
Thanks for your reply! Yes I first treated with API General Cure as I saw that's what was most recommended for parasites. When that didn't help him I moved to bacterial infection.

I saved some media in hopes of being able to jump start my cycle when this is over with.
Ah I see where you said that; sorry. Medications can be stressful both on the fish and on the bacterial filter and it seems like you’ve done several back to back now. I would not treat for a fungus you can’t see just because you haven’t done it yet.

When was your last water test are you mini cycling too after the antibiotics? I would probably focus on ensuring perfect water quality for a while and see if he improves.

Are the fish harassing him or is strength of flow bothering him?
I'm just nervous about not treating him when something is very much wrong. I test the water almost daily, and when he began showing unhealthy signs I tested daily. All of my parameters stay relatively consistent and I religiously change the water weekly on the same day each week. Also now with the holiday coming up, I'm going out of town for a week and don't want to stress him by taking him with me (the babysitter doesn't know anything about fish).
He's left alone. For a while he would move around the tank by flopping around, but the last couple days he's stayed in a corner behind some plants. He's doesn't seem to be in the path of any water flow and no fish has dared go close to him.
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